Software Engineering

Software Engineering

Mar 27, 2023 6:17 AM

Software Engineering

The industry standard web development

Level: Beginner

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Late March 2024

Cohort Ongoing → Ends May ‘24

Who is the program for?

This is for you if you fall under at least 2 categories:

  1. You are currently enrolled in College for over 2(two months)
  2. You have take CS as your major or minor
  3. You have basic knowledge of HTML, CSS or JavaScript


This program provides a comprehensive exploration of the web development lifecycle in MERN(MongoDB, Express, React and NodeJS) Stack, from creating an empty project to building a fully functional web app. Throughout the program, you'll collaborate with a small group of people to work on building an e-commerce web app from scratch, with a focus on exploring the in-demand skills for the frontend and backend development, Git, and various libraries. Web development is a creative journey, and by the end of the 8-week program, you'll have the confidence and skills necessary to tackle any challenge, including internships with other companies in this ecosystem.

Flow of the program

Time Commitment: Every Monday and Friday for 8 weeks

Duration: 2 Hrs/Session

Format: Online Live with Recordings

Guest: Weekly Networking with Industry Software Professionals


  • Being Interactive
  • A Mac/Window PC with Internet
  • Basic understanding of HTML, CSS, JS




Dan DiGangi

Dan DiGangi is a 20+ year software veteran passionate about building diverse, high performance teams. Previously he has held lead+ level engineer and leadership positions at DocuSign, Active Campaign, and

His goals as an instructor are teaching end-to-end how to become a successful engineer and professional in the software industry through the development of technical, professional, and leadership skills.




Class 1: React Introduction

  1. Building your “First App”
  2. Reusable component
  3. Hooks

Class 2: UI library and styling

  1. Exploring React-Bootstrap Libraries
  2. Styled component

Class 3: Backend introduction

Diving deep into the three pillars of backend:

  1. ExpressJS
  2. MongoDB Atlas
  3. Mongoose

Feature 1: The User Management

Class 4: Backend

  1. Model
  2. Router
  3. Controller

Class 5: Error management

  1. Bad request
  2. Not found
  3. Unauthenticated
  4. Bad URL
  5. Server error

Class 6: Redux introduction

  1. Redux toolkit
  2. Redux thunk

Class 7: Frontend

  1. Registration form
  2. Login form
  3. Automatically authenticate user when launch the application

Feature 2: Item Management

Class 8: Backend

  1. Model
  2. Router
  3. Controller
  4. CRUD

Class 9: Frontend

  1. List view
  2. New view
  3. Detail view

Class 10: Performance enhancement

  1. Update UI without the back-end response
  2. Revert UI when API fails


Feature 3: Cart Management

Class 11: User roles

  1. Seller
  2. Buyer

Class 12: Backend

  1. Model
  2. Router
  3. Controller
  4. CRUD

Class 13: Frontend

  1. Cart management
  2. Automatically get user’s cart when launch the application

Class 14: Checkout

  1. Backend
  2. Frontend

Deploying and Advanced Features

Advanced Class 15: Image upload and storage

  1. File upload
  2. File storage
  3. Image rendering

Advanced Class 16: Deployment

  1. Build frontend application
  2. Add frontend application as static resource to backend
  3. Security packages




Dan DiGangi

Dan DiGangi is a 20+ year software veteran passionate about building diverse, high performance teams. Previously he has held lead+ level engineer and leadership positions at DocuSign, Active Campaign, and

His goals as an instructor are teaching end-to-end how to become a successful engineer and professional in the software industry through the development of technical, professional, and leadership skills.

Let’s get you the “Industry Experience” in Software Engineering!

Schedule a call with our internship program experts to get through the program and start gaining experience by interning at top startups in the country!


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